Dealing with the Aftermath of Storm Damage

Storms, high winds, driving rain, hail and lightening can cause substantial damage to your property. Bad weather can wreak havoc on your home, leaving you with the long and often complex task of trying to recoup your losses with your insurers.  Both commercial or residential storm damage can be distressing and it can cause unseen damage.

 A storm is typically defined by insurers as wind speeds of over 50-55pmh. Insurers do not tend to use local weather reports and may be restricted in their information from weather stations which can be miles away from the location of damage where as we use local weather reports to support your claim.

An elderly couple in Billericay, Essex suffered significant damage to their house and conservatory roof following some bad weather. Although the damage wasn’t severe enough to cause the couple to move out, it did impact on their daily activities.

Following storm damage to your property, Insurance Property Claims will gather all relevant information to support you claim for storm damage. This includes assessing the damage with a view to presenting it to the insurers as definitively being caused by storm.

We will then be able to contact your insurance company and handle all correspondence and meetings on your behalf.  Get in touch with our friendly staff to find out more about how we can help you.