Leak To The Hot Water Feed

Ins Property Claims provides repairs for numerous types of water damage including burst pipe repair, frozen pipes, water escape and leak damage. For this property, there was damage found to the kitchen wall and floor. The ceiling was cracking and appeared to be stained. Upon inspection of the property, the hot feed was found to be leaking and this section was repaired. However, further leaks were presented.

To confirm our findings, we used thermal and acoustic profiling equipment which when observed presented that it was not possible for the hot water feed to be causing the secondary leak as it was previously isolated in the loft.

We carried out a tracer gas survey to the hot feed and instantly heard tracer gas escaping from both the wall and the ceiling around the heating/ hot water controls. [The equipment used can be seen in Figure 1].

Figure 1- Tracer gas survey connected.

Once the issue had been identified, we requested that an electrician would be sent out to remove the heating control box to allow us access to the hot water feed. When inspected, it was noted that the hot water pipe was lead and was likely to fail again. For this reason it would need to be rerouted.

For this particular property it was suggested that it would be dried for approximately 2-3 weeks but with a maximum amount of 2 humidifiers. However, before we could do this we needed to strip out the affected area. [This can be seen in Figure 2 and 3 above].

With each and every claim we complete a fully detailed schedule of works which highlights the works and costings to the insurance company.

On this schedule of works there was work to be completed in the kitchen and the bedroom.

Once the kitchen was stripped out and dried, new kitchen units needed to be built and fitted, as well as elements such as plastering and new floor tiles. We complete every aspect of reinstatement to the highest quality.

The bedroom also had some work to be done which involved a wall being taken down to allow access to the leak on the initial inspection. This was reinstated, including replacing the wall, skirting and electrical sockets.

However, during this time the kitchen was unusable to the client and so we arrange for a kitchen pod to be placed outside of their property so that they had access to all the appliances they needed. [This can be seen in Figure 4].

Figure 4- Kitchen Pod.

We aim to remove the disruption and hassle that comes with an insurance claim and when asking our client, Mrs P, how she found our service she said:

“Very helpful and friendly. Would use again and recommend to others.

Ins Property Claims Ltd attitude towards your needs:    5.

Ins Property Claims Ltd availability to contact:     5.

Site Contractors attitude and availability:    5.

Ins Property Claims Ltd quality of work:      5”. 

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